DOI: 10.5937/jaes18-25651
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.

Volume 18 article 686 pages: 262 - 266
Preservation of fossil fuels are currently depleting with the massive exploitation of fuels. In this condition, breakthroughs are necessary to produce alternative fuels. One of the breakthroughs is bioethanol. It is a renewable energy
which is more effective than gasoline inasmuch it can increase combustion efficiency and reduce exhaust emissions.
In this work, a bioethanol process was done by using sugarcane bagasse waste material which has a lot of lignin
and cellulose content. The content was converted into bioethanol by utilizing a strong base to degrade lignin and T.
Viride as cellulose-producing and S. cereviseae yeast as a sugar converter to bioethanol. This present research aims
to find the best formula of bioethanol production based on sugarcane bagasse with variations in cellulose hydrolysis
temperature, shaking speed, and fermentation time by using an integrated shaker machine fuzzy-logic control of
temperature and humidity. This research employed a complete randomized design experimental research (CRD)
to test temperature, speed, and time modification by using a shaker machine. The independent variables were:
(1) temperature, (2) shaking speed, and (3) fermentation time. The dependent variables measured were reducing
sugar and bioethanol levels. The results showed that the best formula for producing bioethanol levels was at a treatment temperature of 45 °C and a speed of 140 rpm with fermentation time of 48 hours which resulted in a bioethanol
level of 2.75%.
The authors would like to thank greatfully to Universitas Negeri Malang for supporting the research funding.
We are also thank you to head and the researcher and
member molecular biology working group for the technical support.
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