Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 1 number 2, pages: 35 - 52

Caslav Mitrovic 
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Goran Vorotovic 
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

This study offers an approach to modeling of information system data for detailed monitoring of structure and means of aircraft tires exploitation. Bearing in mind the safety of passengers and goods, the authors of this study determined the means of aircraft tires exploitation and maintenance, and also the system of their storage and reparation. In keeping with that, we modeled an information system with following segments: aircraft tires procurement, storage, exploitation and maintenance, including computer backup. The approach to the solution for the implementation of automatic information system for aircraft tires exploitation is based on: basic principles analysis from the standpoint of general mechanical engineering systems and complete analysis of necessary steps; description of the place and role of aircraft systems tires, historical development of tires, function of those tires, their structural characteristics and maintenance; analysis of information system design and data modeling; Analysis of aircraft and tires constructional characteristics and means of their exploitation. Based on that approach, the authors of this study implemented and presented the algorithm and software for collecting and processing of data concerning the exploitation, including the process of data input and tire condition reports. For that purpose, there are data basis. Through wizards, the authors presented the automatisation of the entire process, according to the existing data base. This information system can be used in the process of tracking of functional characteristics of aircraft tires, thus contributing to the safety of passengers and goods and improved decisionmaking in the field of tire exploitation.

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