Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 1 number 2, pages: 24 - 34

Vlastimir Dedovic 
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Traffic and Transportation, Belgrade, Serbia

The vehicle fleet in Serbia has an important average age, significant service cost, high energy consumption and high and uncontrolled emissions. There is an intention for quick and important change of its structure, but it is not easy to do. A dozen years in renewal delay should be redressed in the most rational way, having in mind needs, interests, and available domestic and foreign resources. Considering the example of the bus fleet in Serbia, the paper shows three models of fleet renewal, taking into account three most important parameters: the change of average vehicle age, the financial means needed for the purchase and capability of domestic bus industry to follow this process. For all of three models, the author estimated the dynamics of vehicle replacement, financial means needed, domestic resources engagement and global influence on the Serbian economy. The author analyzed the actual situation of vehicle fleet using the data of the Ministry of Interior Affaires, vehicle users and domestic bus industry. Available declarations and intentions are analyzed; the calculations of influence of such declarations to the realization of established objectives are made, as well as the generated costs of each model. The overall effect on the economy of the country is analyzed and a model of "sustainable development" is presented, taking in account all considered possibilities as well as their most important consequences.

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1. Vlastimir Dedović i dr.: Program obnove autobuskog voznog parka u Srbiji sa mogućnostima angažovanja domaćih proizvođača, Saobraćajni fakultet Beograd, avgust 2001, za Ministarstvo saobraćaja i telekomunikacija Republike Srbije

2. Baza podataka o registrovanim motornim vozilima MUP Srbije za juni 2001. godine

3. Informacije iz ciljane ankete proizvođača autobusa u Srbiji jun/jul 2001. godine, sprovedene za potrebe ovog istraživanja

4. Informacije iz završnih računa autotransportnih