Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 2 number 3, pages: 7 - 14

Uskokovic Predrag 
JKP 'Beogradski vodovod i kanalizacija', Serbia

World constantly expands (beginning with number of people at Earth, manufacturing all kind of goods, services providing etc), while natural resources are more and more reduced. For that reason, of high importance is that every equipment and production system realize its function, at least, during the designed period. In order to accomplish that, manufactured equipment and/or production systems must have systematically established and realized maintenance system. In different situation, need for new equipment or new production systems can be expected in a short time. That kind of situation demands new raw materials, higher consumption of energy, spare parts, labour, environment pollution, recycling, etc. It means that processes are escalated instead remaining within reasonable limits. In early fazes of its use, maintenance was based, only, upon corrective maintenance. To-day, maintenance has been developed in to pro-cess based upon scientific postulates of work organization and technologies that are constantly improving. Maintenance has its value, costs and takes role that can not and must not be improvised. Fate of business systems as well as consumption trends will depend of maintenance quality.

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