Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 4 number 11, pages: 15 - 24

Jovanovic Miroljub 
Belgrade Airport, Belgrade, Serbia

Jankovic Stefan 
VZ 'Moma Stanojlović', Batajnica, Belgrade, Serbia

Aircraft gas turbine engines (GTE) are main subject in research and dewelopment in up-to-date cogenerators. GTE are getting wide aplications in different industrilal branches. After fillfooling its life on aircraft GTE can be modify for different purposies. Mobile Ecological Cogenerator (MEC) is good solution for "on site" energy production on crude oil drill facilities, or as power sorce for large compressors and pumps for gas transportation, or other special facilities. This paper is dealing with original domestic solution for building mobile electricity and heat production system, which can be used on distant places far from electricity wire conection. Design and production are possible because of posesion od adequat GTE, equipmen, spare parts, special tools and experienced experts and specialists. Authors experience, knowledge and more than 20 years of cooperation with ROLLS-ROYCE, confirm that domestic aircraft industry has posibilities for realisation of this project.

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