Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 4 number 12, pages: 21 - 28

Omerbegovic-Bijelovic Jasmina 
University of Belgrade Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

This paper presents the universal process of making a business plan (Bp) - which will accord to the general norms, as well as the specifics of the given situation. After defining the business plan quality attributes, it is pointed out that they depend on the quality of the process of "transformation" of resources which are involved in the making of the business-plan. That was a good reason to define the production process quality attributes of Bp, to describe the standard way of Bp production and to point to some of the possibilities in how to improve the quality of that process (of Bp creation). Upon the establishing of managerial variants using the completed Bp, it was noted that a more active role of the stakeholders of the business enterprise was required in the making of the same business plan in order to check its validity. The possibility is pointed out (through many variants) that the stakeholders of the business enterprise may wish to join its "production" earlier on (and certainly before the completion of Bp).

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