Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 9 article 202 pages: 373 - 382

Zoran Nikolic
Institute Gosa, Belgrade, Serbia

Zlatomir Zivanovic
Institute Vinca, Belgrade, Serbia

Development, advantages and disadvantages of EV are presented in this paper. Future of the electric vehicles largely depends on the price of oil in the world market, environmental and technical characteristics of the EV drive system. As a result of the fi rst oil crisis, in the seventies of the last century, there are some fi rst thoughts on electric vehicles in our country. The first electric vehicle had been made in the former Yugoslavia, under the leadership of Academician A. Despic. Today, they are mostly, all electrical component needed to drive high quality and have a degree of efficiency, at a high level, so that the overall efficiency of passenger electric propulsion system (battery-wheels), is around 75%. The biggest problem remains a “reservoir of energy.” Even the best batteries today have a mass energy density to 200 Wh/kg, the electric vehicles can not, in terms of performance, compete with the vehicles with conventional drive. Promising battery system with 1700 Wh/kg will be able to provide a comparative performance and to, thereby, make the transition to completely clean vehicles. As far as researches do not invent such battery, now used HEV will be solution for reducing emission which vehicles produces and fuel consumption, in order to reduce gradually dependence on oil imports.

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This work has been fi nancially supported by projects MNIT TR 35042 and TR 34028.

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