Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes10-2133
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Volume 10 article 224 pages: 79 - 84

Aditya Parida 
Lulea University of Technology, Sweden

Diego Galar 
Lulea University of Technology, Sweden

Sustainability has been broadly defined as providing goods and services for current and future generations. Industries play a main role in that definition so more and more industries are working today to achieve sustainable development for their industry. Achieving a sustainable development needs strategic and continuous efforts involving the entire organization, where maintenance efforts play an important role. The management needs to understand and develop an appropriate strategic approach to understand the challenges involved and preparing all involved groups and personnel to achieve the sustainable development through application of maintenance performance measure­ment. Maintenance performance needs to be measured for managing and achieving the business objectives with a sustainable development goal. Maintenance plays a vital role in managing safety, energy saving, plant and machineries failure and productivity amongst others. To manage these activities, appropriate policy and planning is required to be developed enveloping the entire organization and necessary performance indicators are required to be identified to meet the unique requirements of the organization. In this paper, the authors have tried to discuss the issues and challenges associated with sustainable development with reference to maintenance performance measurement to achieve maintenance excellence.

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