Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes10-2511
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Volume 10 article 229 pages: 127 -134

Goran Putnik 
University of Minho, Faculty of Engineering, Braga, Portugal

In this paper, in the first part an introduction to development of the concepts of Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing is presented, as a model of advanced manufacturing systems and enterprises.In the second part an architecture that might guide the implementation and exploitation of the Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing is presented through an informal and conceptual presentation.

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The authors wish to acknowledge the support of : 1) The Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT, Project PTDC/EME-GIN/102143/2008, ‘Ubiquitous oriented embedded systems for globally distributed factories of manufacturing enterprises’, 2) EUREKA, Project E! 4177-Pro-Factory UES

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