Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes10-1688
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Volume 10 article 239 pages: 201 - 208

Radoljub Tomic 
Alfa University, Faculty for Strategic and Operating Management, Belgrade, Serbia

Predrag Petrovic 
Institute Kirilo Savic, Belgrade, Serbia

Marija Petrovic 
Institute Kirilo Savic, Belgrade, Serbia

Development and promotion of the principles of harmonization of new products, it is very important, especially in technical systems and their components, which are applied and exploited in a trans­port vehicle. Quality and reliability of these products have to be high to make the product, and thus the system, first of all was safe, yet competitive in the global market. On the other hand, one of the conditions for the promotion of local products is increasing product competitiveness, while meeting the technical regulations, product quality, reliability and maintenance. When it comes to the proper functioning of the brake system of railway vehicles is a significant benefit to system maintenance. Bearing in mind that the braking system must fulfill a series of conditions in terms of quality of legisla­tion, safety and reliability in all operating and other conditions, this paper describes the dynamics of maintaining a technical system, with special emphasis on the share of costs in relation to the price of the brake system of railway equipment vehicles. It is a new domestic product of IHP “First five" Trstenik-(PPT), with special reference to the component relating to the sealing element, the most sensitive part of the device in the brake system of railway vehicles.

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