Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes15-13713
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Volume 15 article 438 pages: 247 - 257

Denis Mihailovich Lastochkin
Volga State University of Technology, Russian Federation

Evgeny Mihailovich Onuchin
Volga State University of Technology, Russian Federation

Andrey Andreevich Medyakov
Volga State University of Technology, Russian Federation

Denis Vladimirovich Kostromin
Volga State University of Technology, Russian Federation

Aleksey Petrovich Ostashenkov
Volga State University of Technology, Russian Federation

The purpose of this article is the theoretical justification of parameters of the felling head elements and experimental studies of its the work technique on the basis of the tractor of the drawbar category 0.6-1.4. The essence of theoretical study is to determine parameters of the mounted felling head for cutting and vertical holding of a tree of a diameter of 10 to 22 cm, taking into account the optimal working zone of the tilt mechanism. Experimental study was carried out on a prototype of a one-grip felling machine (OGFM) (based on the T-25 tractor) with the mounted felling head. In the process of carrying out field studies, technological performance parameters of the OGFM for low-capacity logging and the pressure in the hydraulic system of the felling head were studied under various operating conditions.

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