Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes15-11784
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Volume 15 article 487 pages: 550 - 555

Dmitriy Ivanov
Volga State University of Technology, Russia

Vladimir Ivanov
Volga State University of Technology, Russia

Natalya Ryabova
Volga State University of Technology, Russia

Mariia Ryabova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

Alexey Kislitsin
Volga State University of Technology, Russia

Andrei Chernov
Volga State University of Technology, Russia

Nikita Konkin
Volga State University of Technology, Russia

Modern radio systems that use a transionospheric channel, are required signal bandwidth expansion. However, with a significant bandwidth expansion, there is a problem of dispersive distortions signals due to different phase speed of its spectral components. Evaluation of distortions is required comprehensive research of frequency dispersion for such radio channels. The aim of the research is to solve this problem. Formulated the general provisions of theory of frequency dispersion of phase shift in a medium. Formulas are obtained for components of dispersion through the approximation of a refractive index of a wave at a satellite-to-Earth link. Dependencies were obtained to evaluate dispersion parameters of various orders by the integral characteristics of electron density profile. Expressions were obtained for band coherence of wideband transionospheric channels and method of its evaluation, also we present the algorithm for constructing diagnostic maps of bands coherence for different regions by data of receiving stations of satellite navigation systems.

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