Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science

Mass and heat-insulation properties of the bodies of passenger and insulated railway cars made of vacuum honeycomb panels

DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-13888
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Volume 16 article 497 pages: 50 - 59

Anatoly Balalaev
Samara State Transport University, Faculty of Rolling stock and railway machines, Department of Wagons, Samara, Russia

Maria Parenyuk
Samara State Transport University, Faculty of Rolling stock and railway machines, Department of Wagons, Samara, Russia

Ismagil Arslanov
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Department of Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia

Artur Ziyatdinov
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Department of Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia

The goal of the study is to suggest an algorithm for optimizing honeycomb vacuum panels geometry to be used for the bodies of railroad passenger cars and insulated railroad cars, which would ensure the desired car strength, its minimum mass and improved heat-insulation properties. For the calculation of panel strength and heat transfer characteristics, the method of fi nite elements in the SolidWorks Simulation environment was used. An optimization criterion was suggested for the honeycomb structure of panels, which made it possible to select the panel geometry ensuring a minimal body mass for a passenger or refrigerated railroad car and the best thermal resistance for its enclosure. Static load strength tests of the models of passenger/insulated railroad car bodies made of solid plates identifi ed the minimum permissible panel plate thickness for different parts of the car body. Сomparative trials and examinations of solid plates and honeycomb panels revealed the optimum honeycomb panel structure variants for different parts of the car body based on the optimization criterion minimum. Having replaced solid plates in car body models with profi le-optimized honeycomb panels, we defi ned the mass and thermal resistance of the cars. For a passenger car, the mass of the body amounted to 11.14 t, the average thermal resistance was 3.187

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