Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI 10.5937/jaes17-22021
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Volume 17 article 628 pages: 443 - 448

Wahyu Nirbito*
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia

Arno Ardianto
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia

MiftahShidqi Ramadhan
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia

Radon Dhelika
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia

Stability assessment of trees is considered important in urban areas to detect possible occurrence of tree failures that often result in disastrous damages. Tree-pulling test is a low-cost, well-known method that has been practiced by researchers and practitioners alike from several decades ago. From the method, a number of parameters related to the physical characteristics of the tree can be further derived. However, the tree-pulling test has only been widely practiced mostly for tree species in subtropical region, such as pines, spruces, and birches. In this paper, a tree-pulling test on sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), a tree native to Indonesia is reported. Such a study is imperative as sengon is among the most commonly planted tree species in the urban areas of Indonesia and there have been alarming reports of falling sengon trees. Two kinds of tree-pulling test are conducted. i.e. destructive and non-destructive. From these experiments, the critical force that results in a breakage as well as the flexibility of sengonare obtained. Numerical simulations are also carried out. The results arecompared and they show a good fit to the experimental data, justifying the assumed linearly elastic behavior.

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This work was funded by Hibah PTUPT Kemenristekdikti fiscal year 2018 (512/UN2.R3.1/HKP05.00/2018). We are also grateful to the help of Prof. dra. Fatma Lestari, M.Si., Ph.D and Dr.Anom Bowolaksono, MSc. of Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental (OSHE) Unit Universitas Indonesia for their support during the experiments.

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