Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-29696 
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Volume 19 article 801 pages: 363-368

Lilya Saichenko*
Saint Petersburg Mining University, Oil and Gas Faculty , Development and Operation Oil and Gas Fields, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Dmitry Tananykhin
Saint Petersburg Mining University, Oil and Gas Faculty , Development and Operation Oil and Gas Fields, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Rahman Ashena
Bear and Brook Consulting, Brisbane, Australia

The problem of scale is very common in the process of oil production at the initial and the final stages of field development. Inorganic scale may precipitate from the formation fluids in various elements of the oilfield system in the oil extraction process. These scales, which collect under certain thermodynamic and physical-technical conditions, cause a decrease in equipment reliability and productivity. The article highlights the main factors affecting the process of scale in field conditions, and evaluates the effectiveness of scale inhibitors. It is noted that at wells with periodic inhibition, it is necessary to switch to more modern protection technologies – constant dosing of the inhibitor into the annulus and setting the inhibitor in the bottom hole formation zone.

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