Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-28853 
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Volume 19 article 827 pages: 556-563

Sriyati Ramadhani*
Tadulako University, Department of Civil Engineering, Palu, Indonesia

Tadulako University, Department of Civil Engineering, Palu, Indonesia

Mastura Labombang
Tadulako University, Department of Civil Engineering, Palu, Indonesia

Shafira Yuniar Anwar
Tadulako University, Department of Civil Engineering, Palu, Indonesia

The earthquake on September 28, 2018 in Palu city triggered liquefaction. The liquefaction affected several areas, including Balaroa. Some parts in Balaroa experienced landslide such as the road section which formed the slope. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential of landslides due to liquefaction in Balaroa road section based on numerical modeling using the limit equalibrium method. This study was conducted in Balaroa, West Palu sub district, Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province. The slope stability analysis modelled three locations prone to landslides using the limit equalibrium method assisted by Slide 7.0 program.The results showed the safety factor value of hose three locations in Balora road section using methods of Ordinary, Bishop and Janbu was FS<1. It indicated that the slope is in unsafe condition and vulnerable to lanslides, therefore the government should take this study into consideration.

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The authors highly appreciate to the Tadulako University for funding this research in the form of research grant. Many thanks are also given to research team for their significant contribution during data collection in the research field. We also thank the head and the technicians of the Soil Mechanics Laboratory of Engineering Faculty for their assistance during the laboratory study.

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