DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-29201
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0

Volume 19 article 854 pages: 794-805
Human resource in today’s world is recognized as a strategic asset which drives organizations to superior in the
industrial competition. With the effective identification of employee attributes, all the determinants of productivity can
be obtained. This research assesses engineers’ motivation factors in the construction industry’s private sector and
further examined their response to various attributes, including age and gender. A structured and self-administrated
systematic qualitative approach was utilized to collect data from 120 engineers. Twenty-six motivational factors
were grouped according to Maslow’s need theory, and the paper presents a comprehensive analysis based on the
relative importance and response percentages of the identified factors. The most influential need level among them
was statically determined as the esteem needs to be followed by basic needs, belonging needs, safety needs, and
self-actualization needs. Out of the twenty-six factors, good work discipline is the most influential motivational factor
for female engineers, whereas company name and stability have become the most important factor for male engineers.
A variation of those factors' relative importance is also determined for various age groups. These results would
help senior management to formulate effective policies to improve employee retention in the construction industry.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the numerous engineers,
architects, owners, and other organisations'
technical staff for their substantial cooperation and contributions.
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