Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-27504 
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Volume 19 article 862 pages: 862-867

Bakytzhan Donenbayev
Karaganda Technical University, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Karibek Sherov*
Karaganda Technical University, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Assylkhan Mazdubay
Toraigyrov University, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Pavlodar, Kazakhstann

Aybek Sherov
LlP «Kazakhstan Aviation Industry», Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Medgat Mussayev
Karaganda Technical University, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Riza Gabdyssalyk
D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan University, Department of mechanical engineering, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

Saule Ainabekova
Karaganda Technical University, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Aizhan Taskarina
Toraigyrov University, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Pavlodar, Kazakhstann

Sayagul Tussupova
Toraigyrov University, Mechanical Engineering faculty, Pavlodar, Kazakhstann

This article presents the experimental study results of the process of rotational friction holes boring using a cup cutter surfaced by STOODY M7-G material. As a result of experimental studies, the following quality indicators were achieved: surface roughness within Ra=10÷1,25 micrometer; surface hardness within HB 212-248. Using a cup cutter surfaced by STOODY M7-G material in case of rotational friction boring of large-diameter holes for large-sized parts can improve processing performance in comparison with cutting tools equipped with hard metal plates and provided the required surface roughness. Preliminary calculations showed that the manufacture of cup cutters from non-instrumental materials reduces the cost of the cutting tool by 5-7 times and the cost of the operation by 1.5-2 times.

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