Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-35071 
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Volume 20 article 970 pages: 626-633

Aizhan Taskarina
NPJSC «Toraighyrov University», Engineering faculty, Department of Metallurgy, Pavlodar,Kazakhstan

Yermaganbet Abdrakhmanov
NPJSC «Toraighyrov University», Engineering faculty, Department of Metallurgy, Pavlodar,Kazakhstan

Maral Tussupbekova
NPJSC «Toraighyrov University», Engineering faculty, Department of Metallurgy, Pavlodar,Kazakhstan

Renat Tyulyubayev*
NPJSC «Toraighyrov University», Engineering faculty, Department of Metallurgy, Pavlodar,Kazakhstan

Irina Deigraf
NPJSC «Toraighyrov University», Engineering faculty, Department of Metallurgy, Pavlodar,Kazakhstan

Iskakova Dinara
NPJSC «Toraighyrov University», Engineering faculty, Department of Machine building and standardization, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

Kassenova Zhanar
LLP «Institute of Coal Chemistry and Technology», Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Khaimuldinova Altyngul
NPJSC «L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University»,Faculty of Transport and Energy, Department of «Standardization, Certification and Metrology»,Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

The article provides a brief description of a prototype of a new grinding equipment – a labyrinth disintegrator, manufactured according to our developments, as well as the results of semi-industrial tests on various materials with different hardness and brittleness. A scheme for grinding the material and a dynamic scheme for moving the material through the labyrinths are presented. The results of sieve analyze of selected materials are presented, and granulometric curves for the distribution of particles of materials are constructed.

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