Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-46355 
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Volume 22 article 1204 pages: 393-401

Toty Buzauova*
Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Erlan Amanov
«Kaz-Metiz» LLP, Karaganda city administration Kazakhstan

Zhuldyzay Kaizaitv
Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Vladimir Mudrakov
«Kaz-Metiz» LLP, Karaganda city administration Kazakhstan

Leonid Sivachenko
Belarusian-russian university, Mogilev, Belarus

At the Kaz-Metiz LLP plant, there has long been a problem of insufficient drums cooling due to the scale formation, which led to the need for frequent production stops to cool them. To solve this problem, simulation modeling of cooling drums with and without scale was carried out to investigate the heat spread over the body. The results of the stationary analysis in the Ansys application showed the heat propagation across the cross-section of the drum and proved that the resulting scale, having a low thermal conductivity, significantly reduces the heat exchange from the drum wall to water, as a result, the surface of the drum is significantly overheated. Subsequently, the improved drum cooling system was implemented in «Kaz-Metiz» LLP.

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