Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes11- 2122
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Volume 11 article 243 pages: 1 - 8

Ana Peric
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia

The research subject is the analysis of the possible ways to achieve stakeholder compliance in the brownfield regeneration process. In a narrow sense, the treatment of brownfi eld sites within different planning systems is considered. Each of the selected planning systems is described through the institutional structure as well as the regulative framework. The aim of the paper is to show urban planning mechanisms that are used for the establishment of collaboration between different stakeholders involved in brownfi eld regeneration. In the very beginning, a brief history of spatial development is given. A special emphasis is on the current trends in the brownfi eld regeneration. The central part of the paper deals with the overview of selected examples in terms of brownfield regeneration. It is followed by the overview of the institutional aspect within the planning system in Switzerland and Austria. The determination of the responsible institutions for the brownfi eld regeneration process is of particular importance. Also, it is important to show the basic documents dealing with the above-mentioned topics. However, the focus of research concerns the collaborative procedures to achieve the successful regeneration of brownfi elds. Those results stem from the analysis of the brownfi eld sites examples. Namely, the fi rst example relates to the regeneration of wood-industry complex in the Swiss town of Solothurn, while the second case indicates the regeneration of cable and wire factory in Vienna. The fi nal section of the paper systemizes the experiences from the developed countries which provide a possible formulation of general brownfi eld regeneration model to be applied within different contexts.

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