Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes11-3489
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Volume 11 article 245 pages: 15 - 22

Bojana Jovanovic
Iritel a.d., Belgrade, Serbia

Vojislav Bozanic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational science, Belgrade, Serbia

Bojan Jovanovic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of electrical engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

In the Balkan region and in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the energy consumption in relation to gross domestic product is huge. The Republic of Serbia consumes two to three times more energy than the gross domestic product, compared with the average in the European Union. At the beginning of 2013, on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, will be announced the Law on rational use of energy, which is currently in draft form. Adoption of the Law is a step in Serbia’s accession to the EU, because the Law will basically have taken a European directive on energy effi ciency. In order to determine the extent to which the concept of energy effi ciency is presented in the formal and informal education, as well as knowledge of this area in general, the survey was done. This paper describes a results of survey that was done with the aim of gaining information about education in the fi eld of energy effi ciency in formal and informal education systems in Serbia, as well as how much are the citizens familiar with the term. This paper shows the questionnaire which was distributed to the respondents. For easily and quickly collecting the necessary data, it was used the on-line questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed as a web application. The survey was conducted on a sample of 200 respondents, from September to December 2012. After the structure of the respondents, the results of research and analysis are presented in this paper, with one proposed research in future.

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This paper is part of a project supported by the Republic of Serbia Ministry of education, science and technological development, under the number III 43008.

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