Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes11-5060
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Volume 11 article 267 pages: 217 - 223

Ian Zaczyk 
Mirce Akademy, Woodbury Park, Exeter, United Kingdoom

The main objective of this paper is to argue that the scientifi c approach to reliability and safety is the only way forward for the reliability community if accurate predictions regarding occurrences of negative functionability events are to be made and subsequently verifi ed during the operational processes of the future man made, managed and maintained systems. For that to happen, a scientific understanding of the mechanisms that cause occurrences of functionability events of the surrounding natural environment are required. Then and only then, can accurate and meaningful reliability and safety predictions become possible, enabling the ultimate goal of reducing the probability of failure event occurrences during the life of man made, managed and maintained systems. This paper focuses on the scientifi c understandings of the relevant cosmic radiation on aviation reliability and safety

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Authors wish that acknowledge the fi nancial support obtained from the Research Fund of the MIRCE Akademy that enabled this research to be performed.

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