Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes13-8866
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Volume 13 article 326 pages: 167-174

Konstantin Pavlovich Rukomojnikov
Volga State University of Technology,Russian Federation

The article offers the technique of choice of rational variants of placing the main skid roads in the forest compartment. This technique allows to reduce the cost of construction of loading points, skid roads and skidding of timber. The method is characterized by complex analysis of the process of logging from multiple disparate cutting areas within boundaries of the forest compartment with existing network of forest roads. The algorithmic graph theory is used in the calculations for solving this problem. The proposed method is recommended for low-volume logging companies who rent plots in limited operational forest areas.

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The article was prepared as part of research work №1 of base part of the state task of Volga State University of Technology.

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