Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 2 number 4 - 5, pages: 18 - 22

Zvezdan Markovic 
Blue Q Point, Belgrade, Serbia

Global car industry has embedded ISO 9000 standard, expanding it during 90-ies with VDA standards in Europe, and QS 9000 in America. Until the end of 90-ies, fulfilling requirements of QS 9000 was sufficient for formal qualification and for car industry supplier authorization. At the beginning of the new century new specification, TS 16949 was developed, taking place of VDA and QS 9000, expanded with new requirements concerning documentation exchange, logistics etc. and specially improvements tools. Component producers in Serbia and Montenegro are still present mostly on poor domestic market, suffering all consequences, aware of their in concurrence. By turning the strategy to Western car markets, including the implementation of TS 16949, it is possible to make a radical move, good for all interested parties. Business occurrences in Eastern Europe show us that this is not an only possible, but even the unavoidable strategy for those who wish to survive.

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1. ISO/TC176/SC2/WG15/N133 Principi upravljanja kvalitetom i uputstvo za primenu

2. ISO 9000:2000 Sistemi upravljanja kvalitetom - Zahtevi

3. QS 9000, Sistemi kvaliteta - Zahtevi

4. ISO TS 16949, Sistemi kvaliteta - Isporucioci u automobilizmu - Posebni zahtevi za primenu ISO 9001:1994

5. Ford, DaimlerChrysler, General Motors, QS 9000 Prirucnici

6. Daido Metal Kotor, Poslovnik o kvalitetu

7. Daido Metal Kotor, Dokumentacija preuzeta od kupca, kompanije Ford