Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 4 number 12, pages: 39 - 50

Biocanin Rade 
Uprava za skolstvo Ministarstva odbrane SCG, Belgrade, Serbia

In condition of application NHB armour, by NHB accidents and NBH terrorism, at remove the consequence of contamination, one of the principal activities is doing single, group or final decontamination. For this purpose, kaporit (calcium hypochlorite) in water solution is, we believe, the most frequently used material. This is an inorganic substance with active chlorine. When solution is properly prepared, it is very useful!, economic, effective and universal for decontamination and disinfection activities. Production of this material is consisted of finding reproduction material, collection of this material and needed equipment, quantifying, preparing the production area together with needed aparature, solution production, effectiveness control, and finally, the use of made product. Technology depends on quality and quantity of repro material in disposal, aparature and equipment, workers education, business organisation and protective measures during the working process.

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