ISSN: 1451-4117
E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 5 number 16, pages: 7 - 14
Real estate is one of the most important parts of a corporate capital, as well as of wealth of an individual or a society; and management and maintenance of the built environment are connected with huge costs that owners or users intend to reduce. The concept of Facility Management (FM) is applicable first of all on the corporate level, but nowadays it is often used in urban and regional contexts as well. FM as recently introduced discipline, aims in supporting a strategic, efficient and cost-effective management of built environment, optimization of performances, quality improvement and control, cost reduction, transparency of budgets; affecting both organizational core business and urban environment.
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9. Telliskivi, T., Olofsson, U., Sellgren, U., Kruse, P. (1999) A tool and a method for fe analysis of wheel and rail interaction. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology KTH - Department of Machine Design