Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 5 number 16, pages: 47 - 52

Babic Srecko 
Trans Tex doo, Belgrade, Serbia

The monitoring and regularity for vehicles of public transport in Belgrade is a subject of this article. Transport work of each vehicle has been designed by making the time-table. The time-table is arranged in such a way that the travel speed and travel time is constant from one terminus to other and gap time between successive vehicles is constant too. In reality, there is much resistance on route and it causes a deviation of designed time-table. In reality, the gap time of successive vehicles is not constant. This irregularity is a problem in public transport, in general. Irregularities are present in those parts of route where public transport shares travel conditions with other traffic. In Belgrade, 86% of all public transport vehicles pass 8.6% stations in centralized management traffic area. This features is very important for conclusion that stations are the key points for monitoring and management regularity of public transport vehicles. The feasibility study has to be performed before each division about of investment to monitoring public transport of vehicles. This procedure will useful for more convenient division of city budget for the transport carriers in Belgrade.

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