Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 6 number 21, pages: 7 - 17

Radoicic Goran 
JKP Mediana Nis, Serbia

This paper gives a contribution to solution of problem: "what kind of vehicles to choose?". The optimal choosing of vehicle is problem that is immanent in communal enterprises. The best technical solution isn't the most expensive usually, but it isn't and the cheapest. In the paper is presented the universal model for choosing of appropriate solution of vehicle for using in any business system. The model can be applied for the choosing of garbage collection truck. The model is based to multicriterial approach. According to given model, the choosing of vehicle contains five key activities. Process for the choosing of vehicle is presented step by step. This model includes transport requests and waste management system requests. The paper emphasizes importance of specific criteria resulting waste management system. In the paper are explained notion and split of special communal vehicles and garbage collection trucks especially. The paper insists to definition of special communal vehicles which use for special transport and which are equipped with necessary content for loading/unloading or other work function. In the paper is indicated to importance of costs, also and importance of organization and conception of maintenance for the procedure of choosing alternative vehicle. This paper indicates on necessary connecting of tree key factors: choosing of vehicle, quality maintaining and good logistics, in objective of implementation the best performances of transport system.

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