Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 7 number 23-24, pages: 15 - 26

Radoicic Goran  
JKP 'Mediana', Nis, Serbia

A public purchase process is very immanent today, often unavoidable, in business systems with majority participation of state capital. This process we can observe with aspect of decision making theory. Goal of the decision making problem, in this case, is the choice of the most favorable offer. Decision making in the public purchase process is from us generally based on improvisation and experiences. Wrong decision making in practice implicates the problem of disappointment from providers with brought decisions. This problem then causes delay in the proceeding of public purchase, and often revision of process. The primary goal, the choice of the most favorable offer, is canceled and obstructs scheduled flow of activities in somebody commercial system. Concept of this paper is affirmation of applying multi-criteria decision making methods in practice, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process method especially, as very popular method. An important characteristic of executive managers and purchase teams is certainly, understanding quality and decision support advanced tools. Separate advantage is existing quality software support for the most important multi-criteria decision making methods. In the paper is discussed possibility of using very famous software for decision support in the sample from practice.

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