ISSN: 1451-4117
E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 8 article 172 pages: 39-46
Current problems of the time we live in, which appear in the
sharpest form in the world, are problems of energy and environmental
protection. Ecologically cleaner urbane passenger public transport system is an
imperative of sustainable development of cities. Despite the fact that this system
and its subsystems represent the most important service of mobility in urbane
agglomerations, it is also one of the main sources of urbane pollution and
exhaust gases emission. Problems of urbane pollution have initiated adoption of
series of strict standards and regulations regarding limitations of exhaust
gases emission, as well as usage and quality of operative energy. Bus subsystem,
as a subsystem with the largest share in urban passenger public transport in
cities, is also the most signifi cant bearer public transport function in
Belgrade. In that sense, from the aspect of reduction of exhaust gases emission
and noise, new types of vehicles, which use ecologically acceptable energy, are
becoming increasingly important. The paper presents practical results of usage of
new types of buses in Belgrade, as well as guidelines of development policy
which creates conditions for mass usage of ecologically clean vehicles as and important
segment of sustainble development of the city.
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