Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 8 article 182 pages: 147 - 161

Petrovic Petar 
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Milacic Vladimir 
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

This paper presents one feasible scenario forrevitalization and reengineering of Serbian industry, as compulsory content of overall transformation process of the national economy on Serbia's road toward European integration. European Technology Platforms (ETP) is a relatively new political instrument, whose main goal is to raise global competitiveness and provide leading position of European economy, through increasing RTD content in European industry. ETP changes the traditional practice of industry and science interaction through the introduction of a radically new approach. This approach is based on the 'bottom up' concept, which leads the industry into a central or leadership position. That way industry can initiate and govern the RTD process. As an example of reengineering of Serbian industry by applying the ETP instrument and its mechanism of implmentation to the national and regional level, reengineering of Serbian metal processing industry, in particular, the segment of manufacturing technology and machine tools building, is considered. Firstly, some historical facts of development and evolution of this segment are referred, then a specific scenario is proposed taking into account the formal framework of ETP instruments and national characteristics, specific cultural profile, and the geographical and historical heritage of Serbia, as a key political and economic factor in the West Balkans region.

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