Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes10-1663
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Volume 10 article 219 pages: 37 - 42

Marina Rakocevic  
University of Podgorica, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Podgorica, Montenegro

For thick and moderately thick plates which have middle plane parallel to plane (x,y) state of the stress in cross section, which is described with component of the stress in plane (x,y), doesn’t give a realistic presentation of state of the stress. In order to define state of the stress more „real“ it is necessary to define shear stresses in planes (x,z) and (y,z). This paper shows one approximate procedure that can be used to calculate components of shear stresses axz and oyz. Procedure is applied to example for calculation of shear stresses for laminated composite plates. Theoretical bases are based on Layerwise theory, and solutions of theory equations are determined in closed form. At the end of paper there are the results of procedure application for plates with geometrical and material characteristics which are given graphically, using charts.

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