Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes10-2131 
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Volume 10 article 227 pages: 99 - 105

Hana Pacaiova 
Technical University of Kosice, Nemcovej 32, Kosice, Slovakia

Juraj Glatz 
Technical University of Kosice, Nemcovej 32, Kosice, Slovakia

Stefan Kacvinsky 
Technical University of Kosice, Nemcovej 32, Kosice, Slovakia

Maintenance Management requires acceptance of basic systems approach, i.e. implementa­tion of company goals to management goals. Well know Maintenance management philosophies (TPM, RCM, RBI) applied in order to improve processes, often remain only on the basis of the implementation of services without the need for full integration into existing management systems. Misunderstanding the nature of maintenance management leads to inefficient step, resulting in a contradiction between the goals of management and their ability to support real goals through maintenance management. Process approach in the management of maintenance is the basis for improvement in maintenance and hence achieving the required performance. KPI indicators must fulfill the criteria of accuracy and efficiency of measurement by process owners, otherwise it lead to disinformation, which results are poor management decisions, and thus a threat of requirements for continuous improvement.This article, based on practical experience, analyzes the root errors caused by maintenance management in order to apply the selected philosophy in the management of maintenance without the knowledge or lack of willingness to accept a systemic approach to maintenance management.

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This research has been supported by the grant of Ministry of Ministry of Education, Science, Re­search and Sport of the Slovak Republic „ Re­search centre of the science of integration sys­tem conjunction of renewable energy sources - VUKONZE”, ITMS 26220120064.

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