Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes15-14648
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Volume 15 article 459 pages: 395 - 400

Ekatarina Gennadievna Pahomova
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia

Vladimir Ivanovich Tomakov
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia

Maksim Vladimirovich Tomakov
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia

The article discusses basic directions of construction sector development in modern ecological conditions, principles of sustainable development of cities and the problems hindering imple-mentation of green building principles in the Russian Federation. The article indicates the most promising concept of a building complex development which is the construction in compliance with environmental standards (green building). The peculiarities of green building in Russia are considered and the reasons for its slow development are revealed. The reasons hindering large-scale application of green construction standards are discussed. The methods of the gov-ernment incentives for green technologies market in Russia are proposed.

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