Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-15495
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Volume 16 article 515 pages: 166 -172

Dmitry Napolskikh
Volga State University of Technology, Russian Federation

The purpose of the study is to identify trends and future models for the development of regional industrial clusters in the new technological order. Paper deals with the dynamics of the formation of industrial clusters, the main regularities of the development of high-tech industries are revealed. Particular attention is given to localization of high-tech industries within the framework of regional industrial clusters; scientific novelty contains a model of inter-sectoral interaction in the conditions of the innovation economy. The result of the analysis shows, that successful cluster initiatives combine a developed innovative core, an essential industrial basis and a significant number of small and medium-sized forms of innovative entrepreneurship.

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This researchers was supported by the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of young Russian scientists MK-1479.2017.6

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