DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-15297
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Volume 16 article 547 pages: 410 - 415
article presents the results of a research of a composite isotropic two-layer
plate of a square outline. We conduct the research for a number of plates with
the variable thickness of layers and different conditions of fixing: pivotally
supported and rigidly jammed on a circuit. By results of numerical researches
we define the maximum sag of W0 from action of a static load and the frequency
of natural cross oscillations ω of composite plates. By the results we define
the proportionality coefficient K in a formula of the prof. V. I. Korobko. By
the results of researches we construct the diagrams of change of the maximum
sag and frequency of natural oscillations in case of change of thickness of
layers of a composite plate.
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