Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI 10.5937/jaes17-21684
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Volume 17 article 596 pages: 198 - 202

Alexey Ivanovich Pykhtin*
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia
Oleg Victorovich Ovchinkin
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia

The paper describes improving the efficiency of educational activities of higher education institutions on the example of enrolment to the South-west state university in 2015-2017. The main efficiency criterion of educational activity is grade-point average evaluation of persons accepted for full-time study. This criterion is set by the Ministry of Science and High Education of the Russian Federation. It is shown on the example of statistical data of the unified state examination in Kursk region in 2015-2018. The implementation of this criterion is determined by admission structure of higher education institutions (the list of specialties, entrance tests, state-funded places). Increasing of grade-point average is possible by threshold scores increasing for one or several subjects (entrance tests). The analysis shows that such approach allows GPA increasing of enrolled students but at the same time leads to income decrease of the educational organization due to the reduction of accepted students. There are diagrams that show dependence of GPA from threshold score change of such subjects as Russian language, Mathematics and other subjects. The diagrams also show income decline at increase in threshold scores in specified cases. GPA increase of the unified state examination by changing the threshold score is economically inappropriate as it influences other efficiency indicators (assessment of financial and economic activity, average salaries).

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