Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes17-20921
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Volume 17 article 627 pages: 439- 442

Yuri Andrianov
Volga State University of Technology,Russian Federation

Pyotr Fishchenko
Volga State University of Technology,Russian Federation

Alexander Kapustin
Volga State University of Technology,Russian Federation

In medical exoskeletons, it is necessary to support a stable vertical position of a person. Based on the use of mathematical modeling and theoretical mechanics methods, estimation of the moment of stability is performed while ensuring the frontal (lateral) stability of a person in a medical exoskeleton. This will allow to receive the maximum allowable safe speed, eliminating the fall in the frontal plane. Recommendations for providing frontal (lateral) stability are given.

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The work was performed as part of the implementation of a comprehensive project to create high-tech production "Creating high-tech production of multifunctional robotic exoskeleton for medical purposes ("REM")", code 2017- 218-09-1807, approved by the government decree of the Russian Federation No. 218 of 9 April 2010.

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