Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-44322 
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Volume 21 article 1150 pages: 1098-1107

Deda Djelovic
Adriatic University, Maritime faculty Bar, Port of Bar, Bar, Montenegro

Efficiency is the capability of a port or terminal to fit the optimum number of inputs to a given output level. In principle, there are three required elements for measuring efficiency: decision making unit (DMU), output variables, and input variables. The measurement of efficiency in production units and the identification of sources of their inefficiency is a precondition to improve performance of any production unit in a competitive environment. Many research studies have been conducted around the world for efficiency assessment in the maritime sector, including ports/terminals utilizing different methods, but in the significant percentage of those studies have been used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and DEA-based approaches. After some general theoretical considerations on port/terminal efficiency and standard approaches for its measuring, elements related to a research of seaport terminals overall efficiency, using DEA-CCR input oriented method is shown. Four port terminals are taken into consideration and their efficiency scores are calculated using appropriate software, based on established data series - values of input/output variables - related to the cargo handling system in the Port of Bar (Montenegro).

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