DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-55473
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0
Volume 22 article 1247 pages: 835-835
José David Barros Enríquez1*,
Milton Iván Villafuerte López1, Angel Moises Avemañay Morocho1,
Diego Javier Punina Guerrero2, Marcelo Rodrigo Garcia Saquicela3
1 Faculty of industrial and production sciences, Quevedo State
Technical University (Uteq), Quevedo, Ecuador
2 Faculty of mechanical engineering, Polytechnic Higher School of
Chimborazo (Espoch), Riobamba, Ecuador
3 Faculty of engineering and applied sciences, University of the
Americas (Udla) Quito, Ecuador
In October 2024, co-author Marcelo Rodrigo Garcia Saquicela pointed out the need to supplement his affiliation. The supplementation was necessary as the work presented in published article was conducted through the involvement and engagement of two institutions.
Following a request by co-author Marcelo Rodrigo Garcia Saquicela, supported by all co-authors, the Editor-in-Chief has approved the following correction for the article published in 22(2024)2, 1203, 386-392, DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-46295:
José David Barros Enríquez1*,
Milton Iván Villafuerte López1, Angel Moises Avemañay Morocho1,
Diego Javier Punina Guerrero2, Marcelo Rodrigo Garcia Saquicela3,
1 Faculty of industrial and production sciences, Quevedo State
Technical University (Uteq), Quevedo, Ecuador
2 Faculty of mechanical engineering, Polytechnic Higher School of
Chimborazo (Espoch), Riobamba, Ecuador
3 Faculty of engineering and applied sciences, University of the
Americas (Udla) Quito, Ecuador
4 Faculty of Engineering Sciences, State Technical University of Quevedo, Los Rios, Ecuador
DOI of original article: DOI:10.5937/jaes0-46295
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