Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes14-10064
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Volume 14 article 369 pages: 169-178

Nada Vignjevic-Djordjevic
State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia

Semsudin Plojovic
International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina

New members joining  the  European  Union,  happily  coincided  with  the  economic  rise  worldwide. The investment industry has positioned itself  at the time of European expansion in the emerging markets. Extended European capital market, preceded by a long period of preparation of the new members, in which they felt the positive effects of connecting with more mature markets. Experts point out that the World Bank policymakers eight new members of the European Union should adopt a proactive stance in taking further financial reforms and that in addition to the rapid growth of the banking system and stimulate growth in the form of non-banking financial operations. Increasingly important shareholders associated with the strengthening power of institutional investors. So stock-holding strengthened with the help of representatives of institutions in the field of insurance, pension funds and investment funds. The subject of research are the impacts of changes in the insurance market taking into account the connection with the banking sector through a unique offer. The goal is to show greater dependence of the banking sector and insurance in the ever-growing competition with an innovative range of products. All the major part of savings managed by institutional investors. Savings realized the benefits of financial innovation, which have significantly lowered the cost of the invested money management services and improve the quality and diversity of investments. This gathering individual savings, have improved the efficiency frontier relations income-risk and on the other hand, over-sized achieve the economies of scale transactions. Also, depositors can expect a higher level of revenues for the same level of risk.

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