Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes14-12492
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Volume 14 article 400 pages: 451 - 456

Jezdimir Knezevic
MIRCE Akademy, United Kingdom

Aerotoxic syndrome is a somewhat controversial condition that could be triggered by the air compression systems in commercial planes. Some of the air that is compressed and recirculated throughout the cabins originates in jet engines; when excess oil molecules enter that air supply, it can result in what is called a “fume event” Thus, the main objective of this paper is to address the aerotoxic phenomenon as one possible mechnaism of the motion in Mirce Mechanic and examine how some of the existing Mirce Mechanics method could be applied to calculate reduction in the probability of inhaling aerotoxic, by the crew and frequent flyers ,through the application of some of the options available to the designers and operators presented in the paper.

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I wish to dedicate this paper to the memory of Professor, Dr Jovan Todorovic (1932-2016)., who introduced me to the subject of System Reliability and Effectiveness, in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Belgrade University in the late 1970’s, and then he mentored me during the Master and Doctoral studies. Our last scientific collaboration was through the publications of my research papers in this Journal where he was Editor in Chief, until his death in May this year.

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