Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes12-5610
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Volume 12 article 273 pages: 37-44

Darya Nemova 
Institute of Civil Engineering,Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Vera Murgul 
Institute of Civil Engineering,Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Viktor Pukhkal 
Institute of Civil Engineering,Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Alex Golik 
Institute of Civil Engineering,Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Eugene Chizhov 
Institute of Civil Engineering,Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Nikolay Vatin 
Institute of Civil Engineering,Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The question of energy efficiency and energy saving has high degree of relevance. It was revealed that in the view of considerable heat consumption the administrative buildings that had been constructed in Rus­sia before 1996 require modernization. Built at their time and based on the actual at that moment stan­dards of the thermal protection, nowadays these buildings became automatically unsatisfactory from this viewpoint. At the same time their operating period is not finished, which means that those buildings do not need a major overhaul. The paper presents an algorithm for upgrade of the thermo-technical parameters of the framing as well as the parameters of overall energy consumption to the modern requirements with­out complex reconstruction of the building or ceasing their normal functioning. The building selected for examination is the “Uchebny corpus" of St-Petersburg Polytechnic University. This administrative building is typical from both: construction and exploitation. That is why the conclusions made in this research can be applicable to most of framed administrative buildings of the above period.

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