Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes12-5667
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Creative Commons License

Volume 12 article 275 pages: 51-56

Miroslav Premrov 
University of Maribor,Faculty of Civil Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia

Bostjan Ber 
Kager hisa DOO, Ob Dravi 4a, Ptuj, Slovenia

Andrej Strukelj 
University of Maribor,Faculty of Civil Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia

Importance of building large-size glazing into timber structures has significantly grown over the last decade. This was one of the major reasons for carrying out the presented experimental research on timber structures with a fixed glazing placed in the external sides or in the middle of the timber- frame wall elements. Timber frame, to which glass pane is directly attached, forms the composite wall element, which contributes to stability of the entire system with its load capacity. Different types of adhesives with specific characteristics were used and they consequently caused different impacts on a wall composite. Both concepts, with bilateral glass as well as single glass lining in the middle of profile, are presented.

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The support of the companies Kager hisa, Re­flex and Sika Slovenia who donated the mate­rials needed for the experiments is gratefully acknowledged. The research work is part of the project LBTGC selected on the international WoodWisdom-Net and fundad by the MIZS.

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