Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes12-5671
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Volume 12 article 281 pages: 89-93

Marijana Serdar 
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia

Ana Baricevic 
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia

Dubravka Bjegovic 
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia

Stjepan Lakusic 
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia

Paper presents the effect of products obtained during recycling of waste tyres on properties of con­crete. Only by taking into account specific properties of each product obtained by recycling, it is pos­sible to apply them in concrete industry for preparation of concrete products with special properties. Products incorporating waste tyres can then be ecologically, technically and economically competi­tive alternative to products traditionally used in engineering practice.

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The research presented in this paper was conduct­ed in the scope of project ‘’Rubberized Concrete Noise Barriers’’, RUCONBAR ECO/10/277317, financed by the European Commission Eco-in­novation initiative, European Agency for Com­petitiveness and Innovation (EACI), and project ECOTRACK, financed by the BICRO agency in the scope of the Proof of Innovative Concept initiative. Special thanks are extended to the companies that have continuously supported re­search undertaken in this area: Viadukt d.d (TBP Pojatno), Gumiimpex - GRP d.o.o., Beton Lucko d.o.o. and Holcim Croatia.

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