Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes12-6520
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Volume 12 article 292 pages: 187 - 196

Predrag Popovic 
Institut of nuclear sciences VINCA, Belgrade, Serbia

Dejan Popovic 
Institut of nuclear sciences VINCA, Belgrade, Serbia

The paper provides a general review of accreditation as an effective and eficient means for provi- sion of competence, impartiality, independence and integrity of conformity assessing organizations, which creates conidence of all interested parties into the results of testing, inspection and certiica- tion of products processes and services. Implementation of international standards, as the accredita- tion proceedings brought into accord, provides similar levels of competence of conformity assessing bodies in all states and obtaining comparable results, thus contributing, within different international and regional agreements, to the possibility of creating mutual recognition of conformity documents - i.e. reports and certiicates. New requirements are presented brought about by the new standards of SRPS ISOlIEC 17065:2013 and SRPS ISOlIEC 17020:2012, as well as their application in the certiication and inspection body Vinca Institute.

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This paper has been realized within the TR 35031 project financed by the Ministry of Education, Sciences and Technological Development.

Documentation accredited Certification Body for products and Inspection body for the products of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, internally, (in Serbian), (2013-2014), Belgrade.

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