Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes11-3270
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Volume 11 article 246 pages: 23 - 30

Miroslav Demic
University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering Scineces, Kragujevac, Serbia

Djordje Diligenski
University of Belgrade, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Dept. of IC Engines and Vehicles, Belgrade, Serbia

Milan Milovanovic
Zastava Vehicles Group, 23 Terazije, Kragujevac, Serbia

Dynamic simulation, based on modelling, has a signifi cant role during to the process of vehicle development. It is especially important in the fi rst stages of vehicle design, when relevant parameters are to be defined. In practice, it is commonly assumed that vehicle vibration parameters are invariable, what is basically not true. Many investigations have shown that vibration parameters degrade in service conditions, what consquently leads to the variation of dynamic characteristics of a vehicle. This paper attempts to indicate, on the basis of the preliminary results, a need to introduce these variations, caused by the thermal impact, in the early stages of vehicle design through the adequate vehicle modelling.

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