Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes11- 3319
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Volume 11 article 250 pages: 63-74

Marija Maruna
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia

Vladimir Maruna
MD & PROFY DOO, Belgrade, Serbia

The concept of the Plan Development Process is based on the possibility of application of the Uni­fied Process methodology on urban planning process. Viewed as a way of organization of planning tasks, the urban planning process may be analyzed in the area of complex process management, particularly the area of software development management which gave rise to some of the most ad­vanced methodologies for arrangement of tasks and standards pertaining to formal methodologies for definition and implementation of program solutions. Complex process management and urban planning face problems of similar complexity. The Unified Process methodology is one of the most successful methods for the organization of software development process. Through the application of the Unified Process methodology on urban planning process, the concept of plan development was formulated, as a methodology for contemporary planning process and the corresponding meta­model as the final level of abstraction bringing together all knowledge of a given domain.

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