Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes11-3862
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Creative Commons License

Volume 11 article 257 pages: 129 - 136

Miroslav Kuburic
Geoput d.o.o,, Belgrade, Serbia

Milan Filipovic
Geoput d.o.o,, Belgrade, Serbia

Mladen Lero
Geoput d.o.o,, Belgrade, Serbia

In this article is presented the short overwiev on previews works of cadastral measurements on territory of municipality of Backa Palanka and direct comparison data on cadastral maps with data on new digital ortophoto plans (aerial photography from 2010.) on the building region in the town Backa Palanka. Base on that there is suggestion to make new measurements on the building region in the town Backa Palanka using new technology. According to this the analysis is given in the study („Geoput“ 2010.) which gives available cadastral data and their updating, credibility and level of useable this data in the process of making decisions about economize lend and creating adequate plans for using, classifi cation and arrangement trade and other recourses on this part of building region. The study gives information about cadastral measurements in chronological way from 1864, which carried out in harmony with possibilities of local government and according to plans and programs of work of republic establishment. From other side the study gives suggestion of work on the cadastral measurements in the next period according law regulation and possibility of institutions, which dallies, and which are authoritative in this area.

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Kuburic M., Lero M. (2011): Surveying works in road designing and construction, Journal of Applied Engineering Science (Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privredu), Vol. 9, No. 3, pp 393-400.

Law on State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre (Official Gazette of RS, No. 79/09 and 18/10)

Official presentation / website of the municipality of Backa Palanka,

Previous studies justification of cadastral survey of Backa Palanka municipality, GEOPUT doo, Belgrade,2010.

The Republic Geodetic Authority, territorial organization, the status of real estate cadastre per Municipalities, contact information, the official website of the Authority,